ASI Gymnastics Safe Fun Gymnast Guidelines

At ASI, the safety of your child is our number one priority as we pursue our mission. Our Safety Education includes all staff, the parents, and the children. Our mission is to teach the best gymnastics possible to each child at their level. Our culture, priority, and philosophy is Safety, Fun, and Skill Acquisition. Your safety and the safety of your child is achieved when we all work together to respect common sense guidelines built on mutual respect, trust, engineering, education, and enforcement. The major guidelines listed below will help all visitors to ASI enjoy Safe Fun.

ASI Safe Fun Principal: All Participants, Spectators, and Employees must respect Safety Instructions at all times.

General Gym Rules

  1. Spectators are not allowed on the gymnastics floor, equipment, or apparatus.
  2. Children are not allowed outside alone.
  3. Assumption of Risk is the responsibility of the participant, or Parent and/or Guardian of participant at all times.
  4. Participants and Spectators must respect staff safety instructions at all times.
  5. Participants supervised by an instructor may enter the gymnastics area only.
  6. Everyone in the gym must walk, no running please.
  7. Restroom areas are no zones for play.
  8. Horseplay, hazing, and bullying is not allowed at ASI Gymnastics.
  9. Cones mean AREA CLOSED. Stay away.
  10. Participants always walk around the blue floor exercise area. Never across.
  11. Participants STOP and look both ways before crossing any tumbling apparatus.
  12. Food is not allowed in the gymnastics area.
  13. The gym area has many trip hazards. Always walk from event to event.
  14. Children may never be alone in the facility with only one adult.
  15. No flash photography during competition or practice

Pit & Rope Rules

  1. Use the pit only under the supervision of a trained instructor.
  2. Jump in on feet or seat only. Absolutely no head, face, chest or stomach landings.
  3. Do not dig holes or hide in the pit when it is in use.
  4. Make sure the pit is adequately fluffed.
  5. Watch for others when jumping into the pit or dropping from the rope.
  6. When dropping off the rope, always land on your feet or seat in the middle of the pit.
  7. Never slide down the rope. Always climb down.
  8. The pit is not a fail-safe protection for serious catastrophic injury. Appreciate the risks involved and follow the rules. Play it safe.

Trampoline & Tumble Trampoline Safety Rules

  1. Walk on and off.
  2. Jump in the middle of the bed.
  3. Only one person at a time on the trampoline.
  4. No jumping across the trampolines. (from trampoline to trampoline)
  5. No flips unless you have passed the flip test and have permission.
  6. No jumping to the knees.
  7. Freeze before walking off.
  8. Only bounce as high as you can control.
  9. Use only under supervision of a trained instructor.
  10. Do not step, stand, or sit on the trampoline pads.
  11. Never go under the trampolines.

Time Out Guidelines

  1. Three strike rule: 1 – Warning, 2-Time Out, 3-Go Home
  2. Failure to obey a safety instruction is not safe fun. Three Strikes.
  3. Horseplay is not safe fun. Time Out.
  4. Bullying is not safe fun. Time Out.
  5. Fighting is not safe fun. Go Home.

Free Play Rules

  1. Free play includes Open Gym, Parents’ Night Out, Parties, and Camp.
  2. Students must pass a flip test prior to attempting flips or dive rolls during free play.
  3. All Free Play must be supervised by ASI certified staff.
  4. High beams and high bars are off limits during all free play periods.
  5. Coaches are not allowed to spot skills during free play.
  6. Make sure you jump 3 times and look before bouncing from tumble tramp into the pit.
  7. Children should not play on or build with mats, unless part of a supervised game.

Flip Test Guidelines

  1. The flip test is used to establish basic proficiency for participants during free play.
  2. A participant may be asked to perform a flip test by an instructor for safety reasons.
  3. The flip test includes three series of bouncing skills on trampoline.
  4. The flip test is: 1) Stretch jump with arm circle 2) Seat doggie front roll 3) Seat doggie front flip

Safety Roll Guidelines

  1. Landing on an outstretched arm when falling can result in a broken arm or dislocated elbow.
  2. Mastering the Safety Roll Skill is essential to avoiding arm injuries.
  3. A Safety Roll teaches you to fall without using your arms.
  4. Ask your coach to teach you a safety roll.
  5. The Back Safety Roll is the most basic Safety Roll Skill.

Bleacher Guidelines

  1. The Bleachers are reserved for Spectators.
  2. Please remain seated in the bleachers.
  3. Use the rails and steps as you enter and exit the bleachers.
  4. Children are not allowed to use the bleachers as a play area.
  5. Help us keep the bleachers clean by not leaving bottles, cups, and trash.

ASI Gymnastics Safe Fun Gymnast Responsibilities

At ASI Gymnastics, the most important safety feature we employ is our system of professional gymnastics instruction. Every staff member at ASI Gymnastics attends hours of technical training, safety education, and continuing education, as well as on the floor training to gain multiple coaching certifications. We follow a very methodical progression of teaching that helps a student gain competency and confidence with basic gymnastics skills prior to attempting the next series of more difficult skills. A simple example; students must master cartwheels, and back rolls in beginner levels, prior to achieving round off back handsprings in power tumbling. Imperfections in the beginning levels lead to blocks, fear, injury, and withdrawal from the sport if the athlete is not properly trained. This is not debatable, yet sadly many other industries and some gymnastics centers still ignore the basic safety of children by skipping proper teaching methods. Even so, there is still a risk of injury with every athletic activity. At ASI our mission is to determine what level your child is best at, then give her the best instruction possible. We believe that is Safe Fun Gymnastics!

VERY IMPORTANT: Please review the following fundamental Safe Fun Gymnast Responsibilities.

Assumption of Risk

Participation in gymnastics activities involves motion, rotation, and height in a unique environment and as such carries with it a reasonable assumption of risk. WARNING! Catastrophic injury, paralysis or even death can result from improper conduct of the activity.

Proper Landing Technique

Safe dismounts, as well as unintentional falls require proper landing techniques. No amount of matting can be fail-safe. Avoid landing on the head or neck at all costs as serious catastrophic injuries may result. Also avoid landing on outstretched arms (forward or backwards). There is a high probability that a break or dislocation can occur.

Competent Supervision

Do not participate in any gymnastics activity without competent supervision. Supervision by ASI Staff is required in all activities at all times.

Attempting New And/Or Difficult Skills

The readiness and ability level of the performer, the nature of the task, and the competency of the spotter all must be taken into consideration when attempting a new or difficult skill.

Mastering Basic Skills First

Safe learning practices demand mastering basic skills before progressing to a new and/or more difficult skill.

Follow Proper Skill Progressions

A safe learning environment includes a correct understanding of the skill being performed and following proper skill progressions. When in doubt, always consult your instructor.

Carelessness Cannot Be Tolerated

Gymnastics is an activity requiring active concentration. Horseplay or any other form of carelessness cannot be tolerated at any time for any reason. Consult your instructor.

Carefully Check Equipment

Before directly engaging in any gymnastics activity, make sure the equipment is adjusted and secured properly and that adequate matting appropriate to the activity is in the correct position. Consult your instructor.

Be Prepared to Participate

Dress appropriately, follow accepted warm-up practices, and be mentally prepared to engage in the activity.