The Olympics are such an exciting time in the world of sports and athleticism. Every four years, our little ones watch this worldwide event on TV and create dreams and goals of what they want their gymnastics future to look like. Our young athletes look up to the gymnasts they see on TV and strive to become just like them! As parents, guardians, teachers, and mentors, it is our responsibility to help encourage and inform our young ones of what the road to Rio looks like and how to begin the journey. The first thing you can tell them is that the adventure begins right here at ASI Gymnastics!
ASI Gymnastics has revamped its gymnastics program and has worked very hard on perfecting The Gold Standard. This program focuses on progressions and perfecting each step of the process leading up to higher and higher levels. Each student will start at his or her accurate level, and the coaches will work with them on the breakdown of each skill. This way, students aren’t just being taught a front roll, they are being taught the steps it takes to properly and safely complete a front roll, along with strength exercises to help in the forming of the skill. We put The Gold Standard into effect in September of 2015 and students are already showing more success as they move from level to level!
When it comes to the Olympic Games, it’s all about performance and accuracy. It’s one thing to be great once; it’s another to be great consistently. Our Gold Standard teaches not only progressions, but accuracy in performing these skills, so students are able to perform a skill multiple times in a row accurately and safely!
We are excited about the Rio Olympics and want our students to be just as excited! Being Rio Ready does not mean you are going to the Olympics tomorrow. It means you are on the ROAD to success. We want to teach our young athletes the importance of hard work and perseverance. Gymnastics takes a lot of practice, and many parents have probably heard “This is too hard” or “I want to quit.” It’s times like these that we should encourage our young ones to look up to the current Olympic athletes and understand that they pushed through many obstacles to get where they are. We want the young athletes walking through the ASI doors to know that gymnastics is a fun and exciting sport, and working hard can help them get started on their road to Rio! ASI Gymnastics is getting Rio Ready! Are you?