Eleven-year-old David loves coming to his gymnastics class every week for the past three months! He is enrolled into our Gymmie Kids program and gymnastics is perfect for his very high energy level. David is is always up for a new challenge and recently mastered a monkey flip on the rings. David’s favorite event is the trampoline! Coach Ryan has noticed that David is getting stronger and stronger every week.

We proudly present Rose as our student spotlight for the month of July! She has been with us at our gym for almost two years! Rose takes two classes a week in our Tiny Tots Level 2 class with both Coach Marcie and Coach Jasmine. She loves how energetic and engaging her coaches are because it makes her excited for class! Rose has become self confident and is able to trust in her abilities thanks to her awesome coaches! During class, Rose’s favorite event is the pit where she can play with the pit blocks! Along with gymnastics, Rose also enjoys swimming, running, and soccer!
Rose absolutely loves gymnastics because her favorite activities involve running, jumping, and climbing, so while learning and mastering her skills she gets to do all three in class! As Rose’s partner in class, Rose’s mom loves having her in gymnastics because, “From the moment she was able to move she has been very interested in climbing and jumping off things. We wanted to embrace it and provide her the tools to be better herself. Since ASI allows students as young as one, it was a perfect fit!”
During Rose’s time in her Tiny Tots Level 2 class she has learned coordination, listening skills, and how to take instruction. She has also learned vital life skills, such as patience, tolerance of others, and how to handle her emotions in varying situations. Rose’s coaches love having her in class and they can’t wait to see her grow even more as a preschool gymnast! Keep up the great work Rose!

Tiny Tot Sadie is Keller’s spotlight student this month! Sadie enrolled in our Tiny Tots program shortly after her first birthday. Her mother is a teacher, but Sadie is not in daycare, so she was looking for an activity for Sadie in which she would be able to meet other kids and build her social skills. Over the past few months, Sadie’s parents have noticed that she “has grown immensely socially from gymnastics”, and they love watching her grow both socially and as a gymnast. At just 1 and a half years old, Sadie loves coming to gymnastics to interact with her coaches and friends. Her family has gained friends inside and outside the gym, which has been “such a wonderful experience!”.

Ryan at ASI Mesquite is only 5 -years-old and is already showing such a strong work ethic in his gymnastics class. Ryan started off in our Kidz Gym Level One class towards the end of last year with 2 of his sisters and is already in our Boys Bronze class with Coach Alex!
Ryan’s mom says that he looks forward to to coming to class each week because “He loves accomplishing new challenges. Coach Alex really pushes him to try harder and do a great job. He loves when he gets to ring the bell!” Coach Alex enjoys having Ryan in class because he feels that he has made such a huge progress since he first began and always comes to class determined to get all of his skills down. Ryans favorite event at ASI is the rings!
Aside from gymnastics Ryan really enjoys playing football.
Ryan’s mom feels that ASI is great learning environment for her kids because “ It seemed like the best fit. After the first few classes and seeing how the coaches are with the kids we feel like it’s perfect!” We are so happy that the Smith family is a part of our ASI family. We all look forward to getting to see Ryan grow and progress in gymnastics.

Rockwall’s July Student Spotlight is Maci who is on Team level 2 with Coach Rebecca. She started at ASI Rockwall in August 2016 where is competed with Team Level 1. Great Job Maci keep up the great work!