Q: What gymnastics classes are you in?
A: Boys Gymnastics.
Q: Why do you love coming to gymnastics?
A: I love coming to gymnastics because I have a good coach and it’s fun!
Q: What other sports do you enjoy?https://asigymnastics.com/?p=81515&preview=true
A: I enjoy baseball, soccer, basketball, and football.
Q: Who is your Coach?
A: Coach James.
Q: Tell us why your coach is awesome!
A: My coach is awesome because he’s funny.
Q: What is your favorite event?
A: Trampoline.
Q: How long have you been a student at ASI?
A: 8 months!
Q: From the parent- Why ASI?
A: We tried the class and he enjoyed it so we stayed.
Q: From the parent- How is your child benefiting from gymnastics?
A: Dustin is benefiting from gymnastics because it encourages him to try things
he does not know how to do, be active, and compete against others.