You’re at home wondering what’s something my preschooler can do? My three or four year old needs something to help them grow, learn, and fall in love with being active! Gymnastics is the perfect sport to introduce to your preschooler that will help them learn their body and fall in love with athletics at an early age! Here are five reasons why gymnastics is perfect for your preschooler.

  • Self Confidence: I am brave. I am strong. I am smart. Whether it’s jumping on the trampoline for the first time, braving the front roll, or being strong enough to hold ourselves up on the bar, we will celebrate every accomplishment your child completes in class! We create moments that can instill a positive sense of self in your three and four year old.
  • Coordination: Your preschooler is mastering running, jumping, swinging, and beginning to work on coloring and writing. Gymnastics helps build all of these skills. Gripping a bar will help with gripping a crayon and a pencil. Jumping on the trampoline helps develop body awareness. Walking on a balance beam improves coordination.
    Preschool Readiness: In gymnastics, your preschooler will learn how to follow instructions, take turns, share, use their words to communicate with peers and adults, and transition to and from activities without a meltdown!
  • Friends: Those first few years can be tough to build a friend group for you and your child! Being a part of a regular weekly class can create a built-in friend group. Your preschooler and you can make lifelong friends just by being a part of a weekly gymnastics class!
  • Fun: Building self confidence, working on coordination, preparing for preschool, and making friends sounds like a lot of work because it is! Your preschooler won’t even know they’re learning because everything is done with an element of fun! We move at a fast pace through four 10-minute activities with a fun last five minutes at the end! They will be asking you, “Is it ‘nastics day?” all day every day!

Now, that you’re convinced why gymnastics is the sport for your son or daughter, now you have the task of looking for the right gym near you. Now, it’s our turn to ask you, Why not ASI Gymnastics?

At ASI Gymnastics, we take all of these factors and combine them into a fun and safe environment for your child. Our gymnastics classes range in ages, skills offered, and levels. Your child will make friends in class, all while building their self confidence and strength. ASI uses The Gold Standard, a method of learning in which your child will learn gymnastics at his or her level, will advance at their own pace, and will learn their different skills in progressions, a method of breaking down the skills into its simpler parts, in which your child completely, safely, and successfully learn skills. Here at ASI, we guarantee a fun atmosphere for your child to learn and grow, and we are excited to meet every future gymnast that walks through our door! Come try a gymnastics class here at ASI Gymnastics. We’re excited to meet you!

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