‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the land
School was out and kids wanted to handstand.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that a cartwheel wouldn’t take them from there.

The children were jumping, and flipping on their beds,
With dreams of Simone Biles and the Olympics danced in their heads.
Mom and Dad, telling them to stop
While hearing the sounds of one more seat drop.
Away to the pantry mom flew in a flash,
She knew of exercises using a can of hash.
Bicep curls, overhead presses, and sit ups while holding cans of beans
Sitting in the splits while watching the Grinch who is green
Releve` walks like a mouse,
Heel Raises while playing with their new dollhouse
Handstand push ups with their feet on the bed
Chair squats while eating gingerbread
Push up/plank hold until they sweat
Leg kicks like the Rockettes
With all this exercise the kids will be tired
And a New Year’s resolution will soon be inspired.
From all of us at ASI, they must keep their might
Happy fitness to all, and to all a goodnight!