
Sport Parenting

5 Reasons Your Kids Need a Night Out

Are you tired of your kids just sitting on the couch after school? Are you sick of hearing, “I’m bored” on the weekends? ASI Gymnastics has an idea to beat the boredom, while also benefiting your child. This is where getting the kids out of the house comes in! Why, you might ask is this the answer?

  1. It wears them out.

    Isn’t it nice when you pick your child up from an outing or event and they fall asleep on the way home? They get so much exercise that they are exhausted and worn out, meaning when they get home they are ready for bed! Now, the kids will get a good night’s sleep after all of that activity and they wake up refreshed for a new day. baby-sleep

  2. They get to meet other kids.

    Taking your kids to public events or outings without mom or dad there is a good way for your child to meet other children. They learn to make friends and build relationships. This is good for their social skills, and they learn how to act in public. kids-dancing

  3. It teaches them structure.

    Your young ones will learn the importance of following the rules, listening to authority, and paying attention. These qualities are so important for young growing athletes!

  4. They are getting off the couch and being active.

    Finally! A chance for the kids to get off the couch, away from the TV, off their gaming devices, and on their feet moving around! Now they have the perfect opportunity to burn off some energy before bed in a safe and fun environment. There are so many benefits of exercise: stronger muscles and bones, leaner body, less likely to become overweight, decrease in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, and an overall better outlook on life! kid-rope

  5. Added bonus: It gives you “me” time.

    Mommy or daddy time is very important. Dropping the kids off at a children’s social event gives you the opportunity to do the things you can’t do when the kids are around, like household tasks or errands that need to be run. You have the time to grocery shop, go see a movie, clean up the house, or just simply relax! “Me” time is important for parents!

Convinced yet? If not, take the kids to Parents’ Night Out this Saturday from 7-11pm at any ASI location! While the parents are away, the kids are at play! At PNO, kids will get to play on the bars and balance beam, jump on the trampolines, play group games, and so much more. Every PNO has a different theme and this weekend’s theme is ZOO! The night includes dinner and a drink and everyone is welcome. Your kid will have fun and benefit too!

To learn more about Parents’ Night Out, and to pre-register, visit the PNO Page on the ASI Website. Hope to see you there!


Coaches Corner

Coaches Corner – September 2016


Allen’s very own Disney Princess walks in with a smile on her face, and greets everyone with a “Happy to see you!” Yes, we are talking about Coach Jennifer. She is known to everyone as the one who looks like a Disney princess. Jennifer has coached at ASI Allen for seven years, and loves every minute she is with her kiddos. She is certified in our PreSchool classes, all Girls Gymnastics levels, and Team. She currently coaches Tiny Tots, Kidz Gym, Girls Bronze, Girls Gold, Girls team Level 1 and Level 2. She used to coach Girls Team level 5. Her favorite event to coach is floor and beam. She heard about ASI Gymnastics by looking up gyms when she moved to Dallas. She used her business degree to do accounting, but that wasn’t much fun for her so she decided to do what she loves the most, coach!

Coach Jennifer loves being a part of the ASI family because of the love she has for working with children. She used to coach three years before ASI was a part of her life, not to mention she loves running around after her two daughters. Running around after her daughters and coaching is her method of staying fit. She says the kiddos she coaches, along with her daughters, “have my heart and always will. Seeing their faces when they get a new skill is the best thing ever!.”

Before Jennifer became a part of the ASI Family, she attended Abundant Life Christian School and attended the University of Houston-Clear Lake. She started dance and gymnastics at age two. She completed Level 4 and 5 in gymnastics and then she switched over to cheerleading.

Jennifer believes gymnastics is great for kids because “it teaches them coordination, listening skills, good sportsmanship, and to most of all, try your best and never give up.” Her coaching style is “fun, encouraging, and smiles.” She sums up coaching at ASI as “train, teach, play, fun, safe.” We couldn’t agree more with our Disney Princess!



Kiara has worked at ASI Arlington for almost two years and she continues to amaze the staff daily. She cheered all four years of high school and was part of UT Arlington’s cheer squad, where she had the privilege to win nationals last year. Her spunky personality and contagious laugh are the highlight of everyone’s day. She exudes awesomeness the moment she walks in the door and her personality is loved by everyone. Not only is she certified in all Girls programs, but she has taken on a leadership role and is now going to show the staff how to have “ FUN”. Being responsible for fun products will come natural considering she is a kid at heart. We love having her on our team and can’t wait to see what she will do!




Hi! My Name is Kristen and I am 20 years old. I have been with ASI Cypress since it opened in 2014. I coached here for a year before I left to pursue other things that I ended up not feeling strongly for. I decided to come back and have never been so happy to be at a place that I love. I coach Tiny Tots, Kidz Gym, Girls Gymnastics, Power Tumbling, and Girls Team. I graduated from Cy Woods High School in 2014, and am currently taking a break from school. I love to bake cupcakes and I even have a small home business on the side. I did gymnastics, tumbling, and cheer when I was younger. With my background in tcoaching and teaching preschool, I have grown to love kids and I love to see them grow. Three words that would describe me would be tough, encouraging, and punctual! #GoASICy

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Coach Aaron has been with ASI Firewheel for four months now. He currently coaches Boys Bronze, Girls Bronze and Silver, and Acro Bronze classes. He describes his coaching style as tough and energetic. As a child, he himself attended open gym at ASI Gymnastics; no wonder he really enjoys coaching at open gym and his Girls Bronze classes. He believes that gymnastics is great for kids because it teaches them flexibility, tumbling, determination, self confidence, and to be respectful and kind to others.

Currently, Aaron attends North Garland High School. Outside of school and work he currently partakes in cross-country and plays for Andromeda soccer team.




Coach Faith is a wonderful example of positive coaching here in Keller! She has been coaching at ASI for two years and coaches everything from Tiny Tots to Girls Silver. She can also be found leading all of our fun products from camp to open gym and birthday parties. Faith is a graduate of Fossil Ridge High School in Dallas, where she participated in track and soccer. She has an extensive background working with children, including working with special needs children in high school and at the Dallas Children’s Zoo. She is also a nanny. Faith discovered ASI Gymnastics when a child she used to nanny for attended classes here. We are so glad she did, because she brings high energy and fun to every class she coaches. She can always be heard praising her students and offering positive reinforcement to motivate her gymnasts. Her favorite event to coach is floor! Coach Faith describes coaching at ASI as fun, uplifting, fast-paced and educational. She loves the team-oriented environment that can be found here, and is a wonderful example of a team player.

“At ASI, we never tell a kid they cannot become someone like Simone Biles; instead we motivate them and slowly show them how to get there. Gymnastics is a very well-rounded sport for kids. It can help with endurance, strength, and boosting their confidence”.

Faith stays fit doing yoga, zumba, cardio, and chasing her two adorable children. We are so lucky to have Faith here in Keller. She brings so much happiness to her co-workers and students every time she walks through the door.




Brittany is an encouraging, fun, and loving coach at ASI Mesquite, who always steps in to help out any one in need. Brittany came to ASI as a child from the age of three until the age of twelve.

The sport of gymnastics “helps children develop physical skills they thought they couldn’t before. Gymnastics gives a level of confidence to children that even helps them even outside of the gym.”

Brittany coaches a wide variety of classes such as Kidz Gym, Girls Gymnastics, Power Tumbling, and Fun Products. Her favorite would have to be Kidz Gym because “at that age kids are so creative, and have such imaginations. During class you can make teaching every skill so fun and exciting to them.” Besides doing gymnastics as a child, Brittany was also very involved in swimming. She competed for nine years! In high school, she was also on the schools rifle team and in JROTC Drill Team.

One reason Brittany chose to work at ASI is her love for kids! She has a strong background of working with kids, including being a swim coach, a nanny, and now working at ASI. Brittany’s favorite part about coaching at ASI is “seeing children smile because they finally got a skill they have been working on. It shows that even the smallest things can bring them happiness. Getting to be apart of that moment truly warms my heart!”

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Plano West

Coach Vee is one of our amazing Plano West coaches! She has been working at ASI for a little over a year and we are so lucky to have her. She is a wonderful coach to her Kidz Gym and Girls Gymnastics students. She is currently attending Texas Women’s University and studying speech language pathology. Her hobbies include working out and reading a good Nicholas Spark book!

She describes her coaching style as fun, enthusiastic, and charismatic! She thinks what makes gymnastics great is when a child feels the fulfillment of accomplishing a new skill. Vee is happy to be a part of helping with that achievement. She chose to coach at ASI because “I have the privilege of coaching children at a young age and showing them gymnastics skills will help them when they get older. I love having an impact on kids. It is the best achievement.”




Marisa has been coaching at ASI Rockwall for a little over a year and we are so excited that she is part of our team. She currently coaches Tiny Tots, Kidz Gym, Girls Bronze Gymnastics, Gymmie Kids, and works several ASI Fun Products. Marisa said the thing she loves the absolute most about coaching at ASI is the awesome kids she gets to meet.

“I could be having a bad day, but as soon as I see the kids, my entire day is brightened”.  

She said that kids have a sense of joy in them and they adore life. Sometimes as adults, we forget to relax and love life and working with kids a perfect reminder. Marisa also loves the relationships she has created with her coworkers. “There are some great employees at ASI and we are like a little family”. Marisa feels gymnastics is great for kids because it is a fun way to get exercise and improve motor functions. She is currently in school to become a pediatric physical therapist and she loves how ASI’s Gymmie Kid program is like a type of physical therapy that only focuses on gymnastics. It helps children developmentally, physically, emotionally, and mentally.

When asked what her favorite program to coach was, Marisa said without hesitation, “It’s Gymmie Kids”. She is definitely qualified for Gymmie Kids! Marisa’s younger sister has Down’s syndrome so she instinctively has a love for all kids who have a specialty. She was also a partner in PE classes during high school. She said that she would help the life skills classes during their PE class and it was the best class she took all throughout high school. Marisa has been involved in sports since a young age.  She was a competitive cheerleader, but her true passion was soccer. She played soccer throughout high school, where she was a four-year varsity player. She also played club soccer and was on the TWU woman’s soccer team her first year of college.  

Marisa stays busy between taking college classes, coaching in Rockwall, and coaching at ASI Keller. In her free time, she enjoys hiking on local trails. She really enjoys hiking in different states on the rare occasion that she is able to do that. She also enjoys yoga and running outside!

Marisa is very enthusiastic and loud when coaching classes. She is beyond patient with each one of her kids. We are lucky to have such an amazing “team player” not only as a coach at ASI Rockwall, but as part of the ASI family!

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Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight – September 2016


ASI Allen has the privilege to have their very own little ray of sunshine, Allana. Once she walks through the gym door, she is ready to go with Coach Casey! Casey loves being Allana’s coach because of her amazing personality. She says, “She’s smart, playful, and energetic.” Allana has been taking classes at ASI Allen for two and a half years now. She loves to play while learning gymnastics.  The fun does not stop at ASI Allen; it continues in every activity she’s involved with outside of gymnastics. Allana is also in ballet and competitive cheer. As we can see, she’s a triple threat!

When Allana comes to gymnastics, she loves jumping on the trampoline! It is the main event she looks forward to every week when she’s with Coach Casey. Mrs. Hussain says Coach Casey is, “Amazing! She has the most patience with Allana.” She also believes that Allana benefits from gymnastics because “Allana is able to learn gymnastics techniques in a positive, caring environment which has increased her confidence and motivated her to reach her full potential.  Mom was in search of a gymnastics center that would integrate special needs kids into their program when she drove by ASI Allen. She then saw an ad in a special needs magazine. Once she saw us twice, she knew it was meant to be with ASI. Mrs. Hussain also enjoys bringing Allana because it is the first place she found that had one-on-one instruction for special needs children. She shopped around, but with ASI, she said we truly understand how critically important it is to build and foster an inclusive environment for special needs athletes.

One of the many fun accomplishments Allana has done at ASI is compete in our Gymmie Kids Meet twice! It is one of the greatest events ASI Gymnastics hosts that she looks forward to every year.



Nadya walked into ASI Arlington six years ago, and she was excited to see all of the kids playing and the smiley faces on the wall. She was turned away by other gymnastics facilities who wouldn’t give her a chance because she was more awesome than they could handle. ASI Arlington was just the place to make her dreams come true! The Arlington staff looks forward to seeing her eagerly jump out of the car when her parents pull up in front of the gym for class.

Her parents love the attention Coach Tiffany gives her every week. Knowing that her coach will be patient and understanding reassures them that she is in good hands. When Nadya first started, she was very resistant at the thought of participating in class with other kids. Now, she is “ Miss Independent”. She does all events by herself, for the most part, with minimal assistance. Her mom mentioned that a lot of the benefits she is gaining from the sport of gymnastics are gross motor skills, concentration, motivation, and becoming more independent. Nadya is definitely one of ASI’s finest. We are honored to have such a committed member of our Arlington family!

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Aubrey is two years old and has been attending ASI Gymnastics Firewheel for six months! She loves coming to gymnastics to be the best she can be. Her favorite event is bars. She also loves Coach Marcie. Aubrey and her family said that they love Coach Marcie because she is awesome and always corrects Aubrey. She also shows her how to be the best in every aspect of gymnastics. Thanks Coach Marcie! Moms said she sees Aubrey getting stronger and more advanced. She loves watching her child grow and seeing all the talents that she is capable of. Outside of gymnastics,  Aubrey enjoys being active and trying any new sports. We are so excited to see how Aubrey continues to grow as a gymnast!

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ASI Keller’s Student Spotlight this month in Kidz Gym is Sadie! Sadie has been attending gymnastics classes at ASI Keller since she was just a Tiny Tot and has been gracing us with her presence for nearly two years now. Her favorite event is the Trampoline! Sadie loves gymnastics because she likes working her way through the tunnel, and she loves doing front rolls. She is coaches by Coach Kiersten and Sadie says she is awesome. Why, you may ask?  “Because I love her!” (We have it on good authority that Coach Kiersten loves Sadie right back!) Sadie’s parents love gymnastics for her because “she has strengthened physically and her confidence has drastically improved.” We love hearing that here in Keller, and we can’t wait to see how far Sadie takes her gymnastics!
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Five-year-old Dante can make anyone smile and laugh with his upbeat, bubbly personality! Starting off in Kidz Gym 1 a year and a half ago, Dante is now currently enrolled in Boys Bronze with Coach Damian. Dante’s favorite event is the Rings, especially when he gets to go upside down! When we asked Dante why he loved gymnastics his answer was short and sweet; “My coach, he’s awesome! He taught me to do cartwheels!” Coach Damian says, “Dante is such a hardworking student. He always comes to class ready to learn new skills! One thing I love about him is that no matter what, he is always smiling!” Outside of gymnastics, Dante loves bike riding and dancing. His active lifestyle really helps in learning new skills in gymnastics, and most importantly helping him live a healthy lifestyle! Dante’s parents say he is benefiting from Gymnastics in many ways.

“He really has benefited from the discipline and concentration required to learn skills safely and accurately. He loves practicing his skills at home, and understands that it takes a lot of patience and practice to see improvement.”

We also asked  his parents, why they chose ASI.

“My son can be his bubbly, energetic, bouncy self, and he fits right in with all the other kids. The coaching staff is amazing—so kind, generous, and understanding of all the different personalities, abilities, and temperament. We can’t wait to see our kids grow up in the ASI Family.”

While Dante’s in class every Monday night, his little sister Ava is even getting her gymnastics practice in her Kidz Gym 2 class! In the year they have been enrolled, Dante’s family has really become a part of ASI Mesquite Family. We can’t wait to see Dante and Ava grow and learn through the sport of gymnastics!

ME Dante


Plano West

Lillie is one of our dynamite Power Tumbling students! She is currently is in Power Tumbling Silver and working to master her favorite skill, the back handspring! Lillie started Power Tumbling almost a year ago after beginning in Girls Bronze and is now on the Girls Level 1 team. Her favorite event during Power Tumbling class is the tumble track and climbing the rope. Outside of gymnastics, Lillie also does soccer and softball. She says she loves gymnastics “because the coaches are nice!” Her parents say she is benefiting from gymnastics and tumbling tremendously.

“Her strength has gotten noticeably better, and when she plays soccer you can tell her balance is a lot better.”

Her first coach at ASI Plano West was Coach Meredith, and Lillie’s parents could see how great she was with the kids. “Every coach since then has really impressed us too, so we keep coming back!”

We love seeing Lillie accomplish so much during her practices and can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next!

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Amanda is one of Coach Kirsten’s Girls Team Level 3 gymnasts, and Rockwall is lucky to have such an amazing athlete. She started at ASI Rockwall in December of 2011.  Mom said they drove by the gym frequently, and were also recommended to ASI Gymnastics by a friend. When Amanda was asked what she enjoys and loves about gymnastics, she was quick to reply, “Beam is my favorite event, and I love that I am constantly learning something new. Plus, Coach Kirsten is very patient and fun but most importantly, she is a great instructor who makes gymnastics fun.”

When Amanda isn’t at ASI, she loves to play volleyball. Her family loves the discipline and responsibility that competitive gymnastics has taught Amanda. She keeps up with a very busy schedule and maintains good grades in school.  Mom said, “Amanda loves gymnastics – it’s her happy place!”

ASI Rockwall is extremely fortunate to have someone in the gym who appreciates the sport of gymnastics like Amanda. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for Amanda, and we wish her the best of luck in her 2016-2017 gymnastics meet season!

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Beyond the Gold Medal

The Olympics: Every four years the world’s greatest athletes come together to compete and be crowned as the best in the world in their sport. As a young girl, I watched the Magnificent Seven win the first gold in women’s gymnastics for the United States. I remember marvelling at their every move and stuck landing. No one can forget the image of Kerri Strug landing that final vault or Shannon Miller floating across the beam. I remember wanting to be like them. I had their poster on the wall next to my bed thinking that somehow I would dream their greatness into me.  

Fast forward to 2016, 20 years after that unforgettable moment in the sport I fell in love with so long ago. Instead of being a 9-year-old, Level 4 gymnast, I am now a 29-year-old coach of Level 4 and 5 gymnasts.  

From the Magnificent Seven to the Final Five, my perspective has completely changed. As I watched Simone, Aly, Laurie, Madison, and Gabby compete, I am still in awe of what they do, but my perspective on how they got to the Olympics has drastically changed. Yes, I’m a coach so this may seem bias, but with every great athlete comes a great coach. The athlete has to have drive and dedication, but so does the coach. The coach has to put forth as much, if not more effort than the athlete to constantly drive the athlete to be better than she was yesterday. Aimee Boorman, Mihai Brestyan, Maggie Haney, Cecile Canqueteau-Landi, Laurent Landi, and Christian Gallardo along with the National Team coaches have put in the hours with the Final Five to push them to their highest level of gymnastics. How and what did they do?  If we all knew their exact regimen, that would be incredible. However, here are my thoughts on some of what they did to prepare the Final Five and how they launched them to a gold medal finish.  


  • Physical Preparation.  Looking at the Final Five, compared to the other athletes on the floor, they looked better prepared physically than the others. Yes, they had to train the skills that they performed, but a gymnast doesn’t just go into the gym and start flipping around. Does a swimmer just jump in a pool and start swimming? Does a basketball player just dribble a ball and shoot it? No. Every athlete at that level spends as much if not more time following a strength and conditioning program that prepares their body for top physical performance. Aly Raisman has been very vocal about the fact that she is in the best shape of her career at 22. She says one of the biggest differences is that she started running 30 minutes every day. This increases muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and overall physical fitness. Simone Biles has a regimen that includes climbing a rope everyday only using her upper body. Coaches put thought into how they can get an athlete into peak physical condition.
  • Communication.  Learning how to communicate with an athlete can be the biggest challenge a coach faces. Each athlete responds differently to praise, correction, and being pushed. Some girls need the tough love, others need more praise, some need to process on their own before they are ready to hear what the coach has to say. Once a coach has figured out how to effectively communicate with a gymnast, everything else becomes immensely easier. Simone Biles has performed her routines hundreds of times by now.  She knows her every move better than anyone, except her coach. Every time she finishes a routine she immediately walks over to her coach and listens to every little correction she has. During the Olympics, Aly Raisman made a mistake on beam that almost led to a fall. Her longtime coach, Mihai Brestyan started giving a visibly frustrated Aly corrections. She begrudgingly listened. He even gave her a playful tap on her forehead because both coach and gymnast knew she could have done better. In a 2013 interview with FloGymnastics, Mihai described what it feels like to coach. He said, “The athlete is your mirror.” When our athletes succeed, we succeed. When they feel failure, we feel it too.
  • Mental Preparation.  This has to be something developed by the athlete with the help of the coach. An athlete cannot be pushed to do something that she is not mentally prepared to do. I quit gymnastics because I could not mentally do a skill. I had fallen on it, re-trained it, and could physically do the skill, but mentally I was stuck. If my coach had taught me to think from the angle of mental preparedness, I might have been able to go further in my gymnastics career. Looking back on the experience strengthens my ability and sensitivity to coaching the mental aspect of every skill my gymnasts perform.  I want them to be able to physically do the skill, but also mentally be able to understand the “how” and “why” of what they are doing. You can be the best coach in the world and have the most athletic gymnast to work with, but if the athlete cannot mentally do what is being asked of her then she will stunt her growth in the sport. Aimee Boorman has done interviews and discussed some of her methods she uses with Simone. She knows when to push Simone and when to let Simone warm up to a skill. Simone is known for her skill, the “Biles.” Aimee didn’t push her to do it. The skill was something Simone decided to try because Aimee had coached her to know her body and her athletic ability.  This allowed Simone the freedom and confidence to experiment and grow her long list of skills that she can perform.

Behind every great athlete is a coach who is just as dedicated as the athlete. A truly great coach will take the time to learn how to best accelerate the growth of the athlete through physical preparation, communication, and mental preparation. An athlete may be the one standing on the podium with the gold medal, but behind her is a coach who helped her every step of the way and grew in their abilities alongside their athlete.



About the Author

Tiffany Warren is the ASI Girls Recreational Gymnastics Director and continues to coach preschool, girls recreational classes, and competitive team Level’s 3 and 4 at ASI Arlington. She has been at ASI since June 2012, but has been coaching gymnastics for 15 years. She was a competitive gymnast through level 6. She is a graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma with a degree in Journalism/Public Relations. She is a certified USA Gymnastics coach and continues her education in the sport of gymnastics by attending USAG Congress and the Gymnastics Association of Texas’ annual convention.


Updated Olympic Results

The Olympics are almost over, and as far as gymnastics goes, our USA men and women’s teams are doing amazing! We are sure many young athletes are getting excited to get back into the gym every day after watching the gymnasts at Rio. We love seeing their happy and inspired faces walk through the door every day! Here are some results so far…

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