
Coaches Corner

Brittney Giles, From Cali to Coaching

At ASI, we’re pretty proud that our coaches love it here just as much as our kids do. Sometimes, coaches love it so much, they just HAVE to tell their friends. Last October, Coach Ann-Marie was having so much fun at work, she decided to call her friend Brittney and tell her to apply… all the way from California! Brittney did some research on ASI, and decided that our commitment to giving kids a fun, safe fitness outlet through gymnastics lines up pretty well with her personal beliefs, so she packed up her bags and moved to Dallas, and the rest is history! She has always wanted to work with kids, and now the smiling faces she encounters at ASI Plano West are the highlight of her day.

It’s a good thing Brittney loves fitness because coaching can be a workout.

Quote from Brittney

“I was coaching in California when a friend of mine who works for ASI told me I should apply. She told me about all of the great things ASI does for their employees and what a great company it is to work for and I knew I had to see for myself. I would recommend people to apply at ASI because it is such a fun place to work! ASI really cares about their employees and makes it easy to want to come to work.”

Brittney’s coworkers love showing her around Dallas and making her feel welcome!

Just like the company she loves to work for, Brittney is also very committed to fitness. It’s a match made in heaven! She ran her first half-marathon this year, and she does Crossfit almost everyday before work, and she says she loves every minute of it. What’s her favorite thing about Crossfit? She loves all the gymnastics skills they incorporate! People everywhere are discovering what we’ve known for years: Gymnastics really is the best sport for physical development.

Brittney with one of her students, Skylar

Quote from Brittney

“Gymnastics is an incredible sport for children! It helps them get stronger while improving balance and other motor skills. Plus, what kid doesn’t want to learn to do flips? I think fitness is so important for kids because being active leads to a healthy lifestyle, and it’s never too early to have that positive influence in a child’s life.”

In addition to helping Brittney live her passion by sharing gymnastics with children, ASI also offers some pretty incredible benefits. With competitive pay and health insurance, we treat our coaches right! If you or someone you know is interested in an amazing job, teaching an amazing sport to amazing kids at a truly amazing company, you have to check out our careers page!




  • Kidz Gym
  • Girls classes

High School

  • Norco High School
  • Chaparral High School


  • Cal State Fullerton

How she stays fit

  • Crossfit 4-5 times a week

Favorite healthy snack

  • Almonds and raspberries


Sport Parenting

With a fitness foundation, kids can do anything!

Everyone knows that gymnastics is an amazing way for kids to have a great time and get a great workout, but at ASI, the fit fun doesn’t stop there! In addition to our gymnastics classes for kids of all ages and abilities, we offer all kinds of fun events where kids can run around and blow off steam with their friends while their parents hit the town, or maybe even hit the gym themselves!

Kids can build strength and confidence while learning fun new gymnastics skills at Survivor Camp.

With Summer right around the corner, you can’t forget about our famous Survivor Camp program every day this summer. Why spend the whole summer cooped up at home when you can spend your days running around and competing in fun and physical “Survivor Challenges” that will help you Outrun, Outjump, Outplay, Outswing, Outclimb, and OutFUN every other summer activity!

Camp is a great opportunity for kids to make new friends during the summer!

We also offer Birthday Parties on the weekends, a fun fit alternative to a typical at-home party, where kids are guaranteed to get some great exercise while celebrating their friend’s special day!

Open Gym is another physically engaging opportunity for kids to jump on the trampolines, crawl through the pit, and build strength and confidence while hanging out with their friends on Friday nights.

Join in our conversation and share your pics about all the fit fun you’re having at ASI using hashtag #ASIfit all summer long!

With a fitness foundation, kids can do anything!
Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Camille Elenez, ASI Lake Highlands

Today is a very important day for ASI Lake Highlands Level 1 Team Member Camille Elenez… it’s her 9th Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Camille!

Camille and Coach Sila have bonded over their love for fitness (and their love for acting silly)!

Camille only started at ASI about 6 months ago, after she heard about us from some friends who love our programs, but she has caught on quick. She started in a girls gymnastics recreational class, but thanks to her own hard work and the guidance of her awesome coaches, she has moved up to our competitive team. In fact, she just had her first Level 1 Team practice last week, and she did great!

Quote from Camille

“The coaches are all really nice!”

Camille gets a great workout in her classes at ASI, but this 9-year old’s commitment to fitness does not stop there. In her free time, Camille is training for her first 5k! In addition to Team, Camille has been in a Power Tumbling Silver class with Coach Sila, and she just achieved her main goal for that class: mastering a back handspring on the trampoline all by herself. Congratulations, Camille!

Coach Sila helps Camille stay fit and learn cool new skills!

Quote from Camille

“It’s fun to do different tumbling, skills and flipping around.”




  • 9


  • St. Monica Catholic School


  • 3rd Grade

Favorite Gymnastics Skill

  • Ladder walk up

Favorite healthy snack

  • Almond butter


Coaches Corner

Coach Sila Issa Sure Makes Fitness Fun

Over the past few months, you may have noticed a friendly face on posters in the gyms and on the ASI website and thought to yourself, “Who is this guy, and why is he so popular?” Ladies and gentlemen of the ASI family, meet Sila Issa!

Sila loves his job, and so could you! Apply Today!

Coach Sila is an amazing coach who changes kids’ lives every day at ASI Lake Highlands. When Sila first heard about ASI Gymnastics almost 2 years ago, after a friend from church encouraged him to apply, he didn’t have much gymnastics experience, but he had a love for kids and a passion for transforming lives through fitness, and we knew he would FIT right in. Now, after going through ASI’s extensive on-the-job training, Sila is a truly gifted gymnastics coach, and his talented students are the evidence!

Sila shares his love of fitness with his students!

Quote from Sila

“Gymnastics is a great sport for kids because it helps them with coordination, builds lean muscle mass, and provides a safe environment for them to get fit, have fun and interact with new people!”

Sila loves coaching at ASI for so many reasons. He loves that the job is stable, and he really loves the full-time benefits he receives, including healthcare, college tuition assistance, and the ASI Fitness Plan! He loves the smile on a child’s face when they learn a new skill they put their heart into learning, and knowing he helped them reach that goal. He also loves the great relationships he’s built with his coworkers.

Sila says his coworkers have become like family!

In his free time, Sila gets plenty of exercise, and he especially loves running, lifting weights, and rock climbing. Sila passes his passion for fitness onto his students.

Quote from Sila

“Fitness is important for kids because it teaches them at an early age to take care of themselves, eat healthy and be active.”




  • Kidz Gym
  • Girls classes
  • Boys classes
  • Birthday Parties
  • Camp, Open Gym, and PNO

High School

  • Berkner High School


  • Richland college

How he stays fit

  • Eats healthy, runs, lifts weights, rock climbs


Sport Parenting

Lets get #ASIfit

As you’ve probably noticed, the kids, coaches, and staff at ASI really love gymnastics, and we know how to show it! Now that summer is fast approaching and school is wrapping up, we’d like to shift our focus to an idea that is also incredibly important to the heart of what we do at ASI Gymnastics” FITNESS!

We think fitness is SO important that we’re going to start talking about it more, and we’d love to invite you to join the conversation using hashtag #ASIfit.

For the next few months, we’re going to take social media by storm with #ASIfit! We want to increase conversation about the importance of fitness, and that’s where YOU come in! We want you to share your pics and posts about all the fit fun you’re having at ASI using hashtag #ASIfit, and come check out more of our programs designed to give kids access to safe, fun recreation all summer long!

We truly believe that involvement in gymnastics provides the best athletic development for children, and hundreds of studies and reports back up our belief that fitness needs to be a core part of a child’s life to promote future health and well-being.

According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition,

“only one in three children achieves the minimum amount of physical activity they need each day.”

A fit lifestyle starts at an early age, and students who get the physical activity they need are more likely to be attentive in school, and less likely to develop obesity-related health complications later in life. There are many benefits to exposing kids to physical activity, and we feel lucky at ASI to be able to offer fitness to kids in a safe, fun and positive environment!
